alison keiser / poem
I am just as easily my backyard grass. Or the ice-cold,Â
dark concrete path, or the top of the rustedÂ
drain pipe: all here to drink your morning rain.Â
I know the miles this water has stretched to collide with me.Â
I splash like a kid and ask if you are there.
The unfeeling chill of winter tide hosts my wet, chalk toes,Â
turns my feet into mannequin’s, but the deadness decidesÂ
to stop there. It does not crawl up me. I take it as a goodÂ
sign. Your endeared sky kisses my face with water pecks. It is warmÂ
enough. On the back steps, the water fills my coffee cup
full. I try hard to be something for you. I try
to fill you back, but I have nothing to give. I wantÂ
to feel the people and the clouds and you sharp inside me
like a broken bone.Â
But rain runs down my cheek with the soft backÂ
of your ghostly knuckle. I know
it is a wonder the world and I ever collided.
I dance like a woman and say sorry for not being there.Â
My feet become blue, coated in that black
-tar slush. I press one over the other, back and forth,Â
like an embrace. It is warm enough. I startÂ
to come to life, this rolling tenderness.Â
I think I want a sting to buzz through my feet,Â
but they ache and ache and ache. I beggedÂ
for a rapture packed in your thunder, but it is quietÂ
on my back porch.
Alison Keiser is a poet, novelist, and editor. She’s a midwest native currently residing in Portland, Oregon. Her work can be found in Sink Hollow, Midway Journal, and Palatine Hill Review. She was awarded the 2023 Vern Rutsala American Academy of Poetry prize.