dare williams / two poems
The Only Profile in Johnson, Vermont

Unfinished Painting, 1989. Acrylic on canvas (1000 x 1009) For K. Iver
“But I find it hard to believe that this is an actual unfinished painting. Who paints like that.” -Reddit user 5575

Dare Williams is a Queer HIV-positive poet, facilitator and literary worker rooted in Southern California. He has received support/fellowships for his work from Brooklyn Poets, Breadloaf, Tin House, and Vermont Studio Center. He has been awarded a California Arts Council Performance Grant and a Peter Taylor Teaching Fellowship from The Kenyon Writers Workshop. His work has been featured in Kenyon Review, Foglifter, Poetry Northwest, and elsewhere. He is an associate poetry editor at Hooligan Magazine and received his MFA from the Program for Writers at Warren Wilson College.