jennifer k. sweeney / poem
I root the streambed.
The slow current roots me.
Things pause at the water
stilled by its delicate plash
but do not see in me motion,
knobby, squat, a sentinel,
do not taste my sugar sap
or feel riffles of wind
along my fissures.
Come closer, I become
a tussling
a forager of throughlight
under oakwoods. I make
shadows under shadows
a curved-wing rushwork.
Three bears follow
the bank at dusk,
paw the wet earth.
I spill. Inspill.
Jennifer K. Sweeney is the author of four poetry collections: Foxlogic, Fireweed (Backwaters Press/Univ. of Nebraska); Little Spells; How to Live on Bread and Music, which received the James Laughlin Award, the Perugia Press Prize and a nomination for the Poets’ Prize; and Salt Memory. The collaborative chapbook, Dear Question, with L.I. Henley, was published in late 2024 from Glass Lyre Press. The recipient of a Pushcart Prize, her poems have appeared widely in journals, most recently in About Place, Cider Press Review, Guesthouse, Orion, Poetry Northwest, Rogue Agent, Sixth Finch, The Shore, Terrain, Waxwing.