nathaniel lachenmeyer / poem
The Oracle of Delphi
A delphic utterance is an expression for a statement that has the ambiguity associated with the words of the oracle of Delphi.
Don’t speak
to me of Delphic
I have been
to Delphi;
I have heard
the Oracle.
I can still hear
the sound the
glass salt shaker
made when it
exploded against
the wall
between us
on that last
family vacation.
The next day
was Delphi.
I stood among
the ruins and
to the Oracle.
Its prophecy
was clear:
a shattering silence.
Nathaniel Lachenmeyer is an award-winning disabled author of books for children and adults. His first book, The Outsider, which takes as its subject his late father's struggles with schizophrenia and homelessness, was published by Broadway Books. Nathaniel has forthcoming/recently published poems, stories and essays with X-R-A-Y, Iron Horse, North Dakota Quarterly, Citron Review, Reed Magazine, Potomac Review, Epiphany, Berkeley Poetry Review, About Place Journal, and DIAGRAM. Nathaniel lives outside Atlanta with his family.